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Restorative Dentistry

Personalized Care for Decayed, Broken & Missing Teeth

With more than 30 years of experience practicing dentistry, Dr. Rosenfeld has learned at least one thing: absolutely everyone needs a little restorative dentistry from time to time. Even diligent brushers and flossers can experience decay or chipped/broken teeth, but thankfully, these problems don’t have to be permanent. Dr. Rosenfeld can use the latest techniques and most advanced materials to repair your teeth in such a way that they look like nothing was ever wrong with them in the first place. If you’re ready to put your dental problems behind you, contact us today.

Why Choose East Islip Dental Care for Restorative Dentistry?

  • Treatments specially-designed for each patient
  • Metal-free materials deliver extremely lifelike results
  • Open 7 days a week—we’re always here when you need us!

Dental Crowns & Bridges

If a tooth has developed a large cavity, sustained physical trauma, or gone missing altogether, dental crowns and bridges can come to the rescue! Crowns are designed to look and function just like natural teeth, and they work by literally fitting over the top of a damaged tooth. They can also be used to support prosthetic teeth to fill in the gap in a patient’s smile. Whatever restoration you might need, it will always be custom-made just for your smile to ensure the perfect look and fit.

Learn More About Dental Crowns & Bridges

Inlays & Onlays

While regular dental crowns are designed to fit over the entire tooth, inlays and onlays only cover a small portion of it. This is why they are often referred to as “partial crowns,” and they enable our team to preserve more of a tooth’s enamel while fixing it. Inlays are used to repair the internal structure of a tooth, while onlays can restore a tooth’s cusps, or chewing surfaces. They are made of 100% dental porcelain so they are both strong and seamlessly blend with the surrounding enamel.

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Tooth-Colored Fillings

When a cavity rears its ugly head, a tooth-colored filling can make it practically disappear in just one easy visit. Instead of a gray, metallic substance, these fillings are made of a composite resin that can be perfectly matched to a patient’s enamel, making the restoration practically invisible in the mouth. With one, we can not only repair a tooth, but ensure a patient never has to worry about friends or coworkers noticing their dental work whenever they speak, laugh, or eat.

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Full-Mouth Reconstruction

Has it been a really long time since you’ve been to the dentist, so your teeth are suffering from multiple ongoing problems? Or have you recently been in a traumatic accident where several teeth were damaged and broken? If so, Dr. Rosenfeld and his associates can restore the strength, health, and confidence of your smile with a full-mouth reconstruction. He’ll put together a personalized treatment plan consisting of multiple procedures all working together to give you the beautiful smile you deserve. With him, it’s never too late for your teeth!

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Dentures & Partial Dentures

Dentures in one form or another have been used for generations to help patients replace several missing teeth at the same time, and thankfully, they have evolved quite a bit from the days of George Washington! Our dentists can design a denture that looks natural, fits comfortably, and functions wonderfully no matter how many teeth someone is missing. If you’re ready to have a complete smile again or simply upgrade from your unreliable denture, he’s ready to provide a solution made just for you.

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Valplast Flexible Partials

Traditionally, partial dentures use small metal clasps to keep themselves in place within the mouth. These usually stick out in someone’s smile, and the rigid nature of metal can make the denture very unforgiving on the sensitive gum tissue as well. With Valplast Flexible Partials, the dentures are instead secured using acrylic clasps that are shaded to match the surrounding gums. This makes them more natural-looking and creates a more comfortable fit at the same time.

Learn More About Valplast Flexible Partials