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Why You Should See Your Bay Shore Dentist Twice a Year

February 14, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosenfeld @ 1:20 pm

Learn why you should see your Bay Shore dentist twice a year. You pull up your schedule for the day. It’s filled with meetings, a client lunch, then….. a dental appointment? You don’t have time for that today! Not with all your new accounts starting. Besides, you think to yourself, didn’t you just go to the dentist? Was that really 6 months ago? Wouldn’t one visit per year be enough? Your teeth aren’t bothering you, after all. East Islip Dental Care wants you to know that one visit per year is not enough, and here’s why you should see your Bay Shore dentist twice a year.

The Oral Systemic Connection

With more emerging studies about how your oral health and your overall health are related, we can tell you that maintaining optimum oral health has never been more important. The bacteria that causes periodontal (gum) disease has been found to contribute to the inflammation that causes diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and vice versa, and this is what’s known as the oral systemic connection. Regular visits to your team at East Islip Dental Care are truly your first line of defense against gum disease because we screen for it at every dental checkup.

What is Gum Disease?

When excessive plaque buildup separates your gum tissue from your teeth it allows harmful bacteria below your gum line. The bacteria causes an infection of the soft tissue and bone that surround your teeth, which will eventually be destroyed eliminating support for your teeth, and leading to tooth loss. Did you know that gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in American adults?

Prevention is the Key to Optimum Oral Health

When you come to East Islip Dental Care for your routine cleaning and checkup appointment, there are a few important things that happen. One of our doctors will take the time to screen you for dental issues such as gum disease, oral cancer, tooth decay, and cavities. We can detect these conditions in their earliest stages, which gives you the best chance of treating them successfully with less invasive procedures.

Our hygienist cleans your teeth and removes the excessive plaque buildup that causes tooth decay and gum disease. We’ll also take time to discuss your oral health with you and give you tips and recommendations on how to make the most out of brushing and flossing at home.

Contact East Islip Dental Care

Your health is too important to risk! Maintaining good oral health means maintaining optimum overall health and well being. Contact East Islip Dental Care to schedule your next appointment.

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