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How Adults Can Benefit from Fluoride

February 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosenfeld @ 9:33 am

dentist pointing to fluoride for adults in East Islip on tablet

Whenever someone says the word “fluoride,” you probably think of a dental treatment applied to kids at their checkups. But did you know that adults can also benefit from this naturally occurring mineral? That’s because it strengthens teeth so they can better fight cavities in people of all ages. Keep reading to learn more about fluoride for adults in East Islip.

How Can Adults Benefit from Fluoride?

Dental experts used to believe that fluoride mainly worked by making teeth stronger while they were still developing. New research, however, shows that everyone, regardless of age, can benefit from fluoride. Whether you get your fluoride from your toothpaste, mouth rinses, or tap water, it can fight cavities in people of all ages.

How Do You Know If You Need Special Fluoride Treatment?

Most sources of drinking water are fluoridated. If yours is, then drinking that and brushing your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste should be more than enough to provide your pearly whites with a daily boost of cavity prevention in East Islip. To find out whether your tap water is fluoridated, you can call your local water district.

People who drink mostly bottled water are missing out on all the benefits of regular fluoride consumption. Those people, as well as those with the following conditions, should ask their dentist about fluoride supplements:

  • People who are taking medications/have a condition that causes dry mouth. Without enough saliva to neutralize acid attacks from bacteria and wash away leftover food particles, you’re more vulnerable to tooth decay.
  • People with receding gums. If your gums have pulled back from your teeth, it exposes the sensitive roots of your teeth, leaving them susceptible to cavities.
  • People who wear braces. Braces and other orthodontic appliances trap bacteria against your teeth that can cause cavities.
  • People who have had radiation therapy to the head or neck. Undergoing radiation therapy can damage your salivary glands, resulting in dry mouth.

What Are the Different Types of Fluoride Treatment?

There are two basic types of fluoride treatment: those administered in your dentist’s office and those you take at home. With in-office fluoride application, your dentist or dental hygienist will apply a foam, paint, or varnish to your teeth. You’re then asked not to eat or drink anything and refrain from smoking for at least 30 minutes afterward to allow the fluoride to be absorbed into your pearly whites.

If your dentist has determined that you need extra fluoride treatment at home, they can prescribe a special toothpaste, gel, mouth rinse, or even a pill to help strengthen your teeth and lower your risk of tooth decay.

Regardless of your risk of cavities, everyone should brush their teeth with a fluoridated toothpaste. Doing so twice a day can drastically improve your oral health. It also never hurts to switch to drinking tap water, making sure it’s fortified with fluoride. If you think you may be at risk, ask your dentist in East Islip to figure out what your best treatment option would be.

About the Practice

At East Islip Dental Care, we have a team of several expert dentists who combine their unique training and education to deliver only the highest quality care. We offer complimentary fluoride treatments as part of every checkup and cleaning to help you stay cavity-free. For any questions about whether you might need extra fluoride, contact us at (631) 581-8600.

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