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Debunking 4 Common Myths About Tooth Extraction

October 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosenfeld @ 11:53 am
myth and facts written on chalkboard

At your routine checkup, the last thing you want to hear your dentist say is that you need a tooth extraction. Even though it’s a common procedure, many people do not fully understand how it works because of the common misconceptions surrounding it. If you or a loved one will be undergoing a tooth extraction, it’s crucial to have a proper understanding of what you’re getting into – it’ll really help ease your nerves! To put your mind at ease, read on as we debunk four myths about tooth extraction.

Tooth Extractions Are Painful

The biggest myth about tooth extractions is that it’s a painful, drawn-out process. Although that might have been the case several years ago, it no longer holds true today. Modern dentists use minimally invasive extraction methods and advanced anesthetics to ensure a patient is completely comfortable. Thanks to a combination of sedation methods and numbing agents, you won’t even feel the extraction! Since the entire process only lasts a few minutes, it’ll be over before you know it. Keep in mind that you may temporarily feel pain and discomfort after the removal, but it can be managed with prescription painkillers.

Only Wisdom Teeth Are Extracted

Some people believe that only wisdom teeth require extraction. The truth is, many other teeth are extracted as well for several reasons. If you have a tooth that’s severely decayed or damaged beyond repair, extraction may be the only viable option to prevent infection and pain. An impacted tooth that’s causing significant pressure and discomfort might also need to be removed for relief. Lastly, it’s very common for one or more teeth to be extracted before orthodontic treatment.

Recovery Is a Long Process

Did you know that some patients can return to their daily routine the day after a tooth extraction? Although it takes about 1-2 weeks for the tooth socket to heal, most people only experience pain and discomfort for a few days following the procedure. As long as you diligently follow your dentist’s aftercare instructions, your recovery will be short and smooth sailing! The process is nowhere near as long as most people imagine it to be.

Extraction Is Always the Best Option

If a tooth is severely infected or damaged, some people assume that extraction is the best option. However, that’s not always the case. Your dentist will do everything they can to salvage the tooth. For a damaged or infected tooth, they’ll recommend a root canal or crown before considering extraction. That’s because it’s always best to try and preserve as much of your natural tooth as possible.

Did you believe some of these misconceptions? Unfortunately, most people do. But now that you know the truth behind common myths about tooth extraction, you can have peace of mind knowing what to expect from the procedure!

About the Practice

At East Islip Dental Care, we offer comprehensive, high-quality, personalized dental care that’s guaranteed to meet all your oral health goals and needs. Our team uses the latest techniques, materials, and technologies to help you obtain your absolute best smile. To learn more about tooth extractions, visit our website or call (631) 581-8600.

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