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The Dentist Islip Prefers Helps Patients With CareCredit

October 7, 2015

happy family with beautiful smiles in the park thanks to the dentist islip lovesAt East Islip Dental Care, we firmly believe that access to good dental care shouldn’t be reserved only for those who can pay for their services out-of-pocket. And having a dental procedure shouldn’t leave you broke, either. That’s why your dentist in East Islip offers CareCredit, a fantastic health care financing option for anyone who could use a little help paying for their dental care. Keep reading to learn more and find out how you can take advantage of this wonderful resource.

Weekend Islip Dentist Advises Oral Cancer Screenings

August 25, 2015

talk to your dentist about oral cancer screeningsThere’s a problem no one’s talking about, even though it kills one person every hour. That means that by the time you eat lunch, it will have killed more than seven people since you woke up. And only slightly half of those who have it will live more than five years. It’s more deadly than cervical cancer, Hodgkin’s lymphoma and testicular cancer–cancers we hear about far more often.

The Back to School Dentist East Islip Can Trust

July 20, 2015

Smiling pupil sitting at her desk

Before you send your children back to school, you probably make sure they have all the right school supplies, clothes, and shoes. You may even schedule an appointment with your child’s pediatrician to make sure they’re healthy before they start a new year, but did you ever consider scheduling a dental checkup before the school year starts? Some schools in the area require dental check-ups at various grade levels. East Islip Dental Care encourages you to schedule a back to school dental checkup and cleaning for your child today. Contact our friendly staff to request an appointment, or find out more about our dental care services today.